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Migration Guide

Migration to Data Management API Version 5.0.0

This guide gives you some step-by-step information to perform a major update of KomMonitor Data Management API from any version below the latest 5.0.0 version. The 5.0.0 Data Management API version introduces a completely new mandant concept, which requires the migration of the existing KomMonitor database schema. If you plan set up a fresh instance of KomMonitor, you are fine and don’t have to perform any migration steps. Otherwise, you can use the instructions listed below, which supports you to perform the migration by the use of Liquibase.

Important: Make sure you have created a proper backup of your database, which can be used for restoring the current state of the database, if the migration process fails. We strongly recommend that you apply the following migration steps to a copy of your database and only move to that database if you are sure the migration was successful

From 4.x.x

This section captures the migration steps that are required to update from any version 4.x.x of the Data Management API to version 5.0.0.

1) Capture current DB state

First, capture the current state of those tables of your KomMonitor DB that have to be manually enhanced with additional values. In particular, these are the tables indicatorspatialunits, metadatageoresources, metadataindicators, metadataspatialunits, organizationalunits, permissions. For this purpose, you have to generate a changelog with the Liquibase generate-changelog command that includes data in the --diff-types parameter.

You can use the template listed below for this purpose. Just adapt the parameters to your environment. Note, that the Liquibase Docker container must have access to your KomMonitor database and to the mounted data directories. It may be required to adapt the permissions of the mounted data directories so that the Liquibase Docker container is able to write to these directories.:

docker run --network=kommonitor \
-v /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/changelog:/liquibase/db/changelog \
-v /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/data:/liquibase/data_output \
liquibase generate-changelog \
--changelog-file=db/changelog/kommonitor-changelog-data-4.0.0.xml \
--diffTypes=data \
--include-objects="indicatorspatialunits,metadatageoresources,metadataindicators,metadataspatialunits,organizationalunits,roles" \
--dataOutputDirectory=data_output \
--driver=org.postgresql.Driver \
--url="jdbc:postgresql://kommonitor-db:5432/kommonitor_data" \
--username=kommonitor \

If command execution was successfull, you’ll find a generated changelog in the /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/changelog directory and for each table a CSV file in the /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/data:/liquibase/data_output directory on your host.

Note, that you will only need the CSV files in the following steps, since the db-schema-migration GitHub repo comes with several prepared Liquibase changelog files for migration of different DB schema versions.

For editing the CSV files in the following steps, use a tool that is able to generate CSV files that matches the following format specifications:

For CSV files that have a differing format it can not be guaranted that data migration will succeed. However, it is possible to adapt some options of the loadUpdateData changesets in the migration changelog in accordance to your custom CSV format. For this purpose, read the Liquibase docs.

2) Adapt permission data

Edit the roles.csv file with a tool that lets you easily handle tabular data.

  1. Rename the CSV file roles.csv to permissions.csv
  2. Rename the column roleid to permissionid
  3. Rename the column rolename to name
  4. Add a new column permissiontype
  5. Fill each cell for the column permissiontype with the value resources

3) Adapt organizational unit data

Edit the organizationalunits.csv file with a tool that lets you easily handle tabular data.

  1. Add new column ismandant -> Fill each cell for this column with true or false, dependent on whether the organizational unit is a mandant or not
  2. Add new column mandant -> Fill each cell for this column with the ID of an organizational unit that that acts as mandant for the current organizational unit. Organizational units that have a true value for the ismandant column must have their own ID for this field.
  3. Add new column parent -> Fill each cell for this column with the ID of an organizational unit that is parent for the current organizational unit. Organizational units that have a true value for the ismandant column must have the value null for this field, since mandant do not have a parent organizational unit.

Important: Make sure that the special organizational units “kommonitor” and “public” are not referenced as parent or mandant in the CSV files. These entities are deprecated and will be deleted at initial startup of the Data Management API. Also, do not reference these organizational units as owner for datasets during the following steps.

4) Adapt georesources

Edit the metadatageoresources.csv file with a tool that lets you easily handle tabular data.

  1. Add new column ispublic -> Fill each cell for this column with true or false, dependent on whether the georesource should be public or not.
  2. Add new column owner -> Fill each cell for this column with the ID of the organizational unit that is owner of a georesource

5) Adapt spatial units

Edit the metadataspatialunits.csv file with a tool that lets you easily handle tabular data.

  1. Add new column ispublic -> Fill each cell for this column with true or false, dependent on whether the spatial unit should be public or not.
  2. Add new column owner -> Fill each cell for this column with the ID of the organizational unit that is owner of a spatial unit

6) Adapt indicators metadata

Edit the metadataindicators.csv file with a tool that lets you easily handle tabular data.

  1. Add new column ispublic -> Fill each cell for this column with true or false, dependent on whether the indicator should be public or not.
  2. Add new column owner -> Fill each cell for this column with the ID of the organizational unit that is owner of an indicator

7) Adapt indicators timeseries data

Edit the indicatorspatialunits.csv file with a tool that lets you easily handle tabular data.

  1. Add new column ispublic -> Fill each cell for this column with true or false, dependent on whether the indicator timeseries data for a certain spatial unit should be public or not.
  2. Add new column owner -> Fill each cell for this column with the ID of the organizational unit that is owner of the timeseries data for a certain spatial unit. Note, that the owner ID for the timeseries data of an indicator should be the same as the owner ID of the metadata for the same indicator.

8) Update DB to new schema

Now, with the adapted CSV files, you can perform the update of your KomMonitor DB to the new schema of version 5.0.0. For this purpose, you can simply use a prepared Liquibase changelog. Choose the changelog script that fits to your current Data Management API version and the target version. Download this file and place it at /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/changelog. Make also sure that you have placed your CSV files at /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/data. The command listed below performs the database update by using the Liquibase update command. Just adapt it to your environment and execute the command.

docker run --network=kommonitor \
-v /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/changelog:/liquibase/db/changelog \
-v /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/data:/liquibase/data_input \
liquibase update \
--changelog-file=db/changelog/kommonitor-changelog-4.x-5.0.0.xml \
--driver=org.postgresql.Driver \
--url="jdbc:postgresql://kommonitor-db:5432/kommonitor_data" \
--username=kommonitor \

This will apply all changesets to your database to update its schema and also loads the missing data, which you have prepared in the CSV files, into the tables.

9) Sync DB to inital 5.0.0 schema

With Data Management API version 5.0.0 we integrated Liquibase as fixed part to perform all future migration tasks. This requires to baseline your migrated database to the 5.0.0 schema. As a result, when you first start the Data Management API in version 5.0.0, Liquibase automatically recognizes that your database has been migrated to the new schema and won’t apply any changesets to it, which usually would be done if you start with a clean environment. For this purpose, you can use the Liquibase changelog-sync command as stated in the snippet below. Download the 5.0.0 base changelog and place it into the /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/changelog directory. Again, adapt the command to your environment before execution.

docker run --network=kommonitor \
-v /home/user/kommonitor/liquibase/changelog:/liquibase/db/changelog \
liquibase changelog-sync \
--changelog-file=db/changelog/kommonitor-changelog-5.0.0.xml \
--driver=org.postgresql.Driver \
--url="jdbc:postgresql://kommonitor-db:5432/kommonitor_data" \
--username=kommonitor \

10) Configure Keycloak

10.1) Use Custom Keycloak image

We have built and published a custom Keycloak image that contains some KomMonitor specific extension, such as a custom role mapper as well as a custom policy evaluation provider. To use the custom Keycloak image, you have to adapt your Docker Compose setup for Keycloak according to our Docker Compose template. Our custom image is built upon a recent Keycloak version. Usually, Keycloak automatically updates the DB schema when starting a new version for the first time. However, if you use an older version of Keycloak then our custom Keycloak image, you should review the migration changes of Keycloak and read the upgrading instructions.

Also note, that the custom image is built for supporting fixed DB provider, which can not be changed. Currently, we built images that support the following DB providers:

10.2) Configure Admin CLI

The new version of the Data Management API utilizes a Keycloak Admin Client for managing, roles and policies in accordance to the organizational units. For this purpose, it is required to allow the Data Management API to communicate with Keycloak. You can prepare Keycloak as follows:

  1. Open the Keycloak client configuration in the Keycloak Admin UI for the Admin Client: “Clients” -> “admin-cli” -> “Settings”
  2. Enable “Client auhentication” and “Service account roles”
  3. Assign “kommonitor-creator” under “Service accounts roles”
  4. Generate a client secret under “Credentials”
  5. Set the client secret in the Docker Compose setup for the Data Management API for the environment variable KK_CLI_SECRET.
10.3) Configure Role Mapper

Our pre-built Keycloak image comes with a custom role mapper that has to be set as default for the KomMonitor realm in Keycloak. For this purpose, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the “Client Scopes” configuration page
  2. Select the “roles” scope
  3. Open the “Mappers” tab
  4. Delete the “realm roles” mapper
  5. Add a new mapper by clicking “Add mapper” -> “By Configuration”
  6. Select the “Kommonitor Role Mapper”
  7. Configure the “Kommonitor Role Mapper” as follows:
    • Name: kommonitor realm roles
    • Multivalued: On
    • Token Claim Name: realm_access.roles
    • All other fields can have the default values
10.4) Create Groups Scope

KomMonitor services need information about group membership of a user. By default, that JWT that is granted by Keycloak does not contain a group claim, which have to be configured additionally:

  1. Open the “Client Scopes” configuration page
  2. Create a new scope by clicking on “Create client scope” and set the following configuration parameters:
    • Name: groups
    • Description: user groups
    • Type: default
    • Include in token scope: On
  3. After saving the new scope add a mapper by clicking on “Add mapper” -> “By Configuration” at the “Mappers” tab
  4. Select the “Group Membeship” mapper
  5. Configure the “Group Membeship Mapper” as follows:
    • Name: groups
    • Token Claim Name: groups
    • All other fields can have the default values
  6. Add the newly created groups client scope to every single KomMonitor service that is registered as client at Keycloak. Below you find the steps for the Data Management API client:
    • Open the “Clients” page
    • Select “kommonitor-data-management”
    • Open the “Client scopes” tab
    • Click “Add client scope”
    • Select “groups” scope and click “Add” -> “Default”
    • Repeat these steps for: “kommonitor-client-config”, “kommonitor-importer”, “kommonitor-processing-engine”, “kommonitor-processing-scheduler” and “kommonitor-web-client”

11) Adapt Docker Compose setup

Adapt your Docker Compose setup for using the new KomMonitor component versions. This includes using our custom Keycloak image, updating the image versions of the Data Management API, the Importer API and the Web Client and changing some environment variables. Our Docker Compose templates provide working configurations.

For the first startup after having your DB migrated, you have to enable the migration startup script by setting the following environment variables to your Data Management API container in the docker-compose.yml file:

This will execute some initial update routines at startup e.g., to initially create Keycloak groups for all your extsing organizational units. There are also two optional config params, which control the deletion of some deprecated legacy OrganizationalUnits and set to true by default:

E.g., if you have associated the kommonitor OrganizationalUnit as owner for some datasets (which is not recommended), you can set KOMMONITOR_MIGRATION_DELETE_LEGACY_ADMIN_ORGANIZATIONALUNIT to false in order to preserve the kommonitor OrganizationalUnit.

Note: After successfull startup, set KOMMONITOR_MIGRATION_ENABLED to false again, to prevent another migration routine execution at next startup.